Saudi Updates..

Thursday 16 August 2012
Sorry I haven't been able to blog lately , I have a virus and I'm currently in Madinah ( in Saudi Arabia) (the mosque of Prophet Mohammed PBUH.
So for the last week I've been praying all 5 prayers, ( Fajr,Duhr,Asr,Mugrib and Isha) in the mosque and most importantly reading the qur'an. Also i've taken a lot of pictures at the hotel with my cousins since you are not allowed to bring phones or cameras inside the mosque.

Here are some pictures I took from last times trip:

In Mecca

 The Kaaba
 The Clock Tower

In Madinah
 Breaking their fast with Dates,Yogurt and Zaatar, Bread and ZamZam Water (aka Holy water)

 Just outside the Mosque (small market area)

The Mosque

But make sure you check out my next post to see the pictures from this years Saudi Trip.

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