People of the revolution

Thursday 2 May 2019

They have been silenced
They are tired.
They have spoken.

They are the people of the revolution.

They fought for years and years. 
( 30 years to be exact) 
and now through peaceful protesting, they are getting the recognition they deserve.

These are just a few words that come to mind when I think about a place called Sudan. I am not talking about whether its north or south. I am talking about a place, which was the biggest county in Africa. A place full of friendly people, fueled by traditions passed down from generation to generation, who are freedom fighters ready to rewrite their history.

Yet one of the sad things about this they are a conflicted country.
Are they considered as African or are they considered as Arabs?
Does the color of their skin reflect the many different tribes and make us African enough for the continent? or does the religion that they were brought up by make them Arab enough for the Islamic world?

How can they fight for their country, when they are left conflicted by two sides?
Identity and Religion.

For years, this great nation has fought hard against corrupt dictators such as Omar Al Bashir.  
The people of the revolution have had enough. They took it upon themselves from last year (December 2018) to start peaceful protests all over the country to fight for the cost of living. Things such as money, food, and health care are just the basics to survive and they were deprived of this thanks to its greedy dictators, who are now stripped of their power and punished for their crimes.

Fast forward until the present and the people are still standing at the gates of freedom, demanding what is theirs, which is a government that they can trust and run this country in the right way. They will not step down or leave until this happens.

These are the people of the revolution.

They are Freedom Fighters.

They are Peaceful Protesters

They are Revolutionaries.

They are Powerful.

They have Spoken. 

Posted By Urbanista ( Azza Gasim)
Follow me on Twitter/Instagram (@azza_urbanista)

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