Muslim Girl Guide Books

Sunday 5 May 2019

Ramadan Kareem! 

Yes! It is that time of the year again, where we are fasting which includes not eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset. But most importantly we are spending time doing more good deeds and praying to create a better relationship with Allah.

Having said that, it's not easy to think about eating and drinking. You have to allow your mindset to develop self-control and say no to certain things and distract yourself. Whether that's working a 9-5pm job or even reading a book or two.

These are just a few titles that I have personally read and would highly recommend ensuring that you become a strong, powerful Muslim by the end of Ramadan;

1. Does My Head Look Big In This? by Randah Abdel Fattah

4. Women Are The Future of Islam by Sherin Khankan

Posted By Urbanista ( Azza Gasim)
Follow me on Twitter/Instagram (@azza_urbanista)

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