Dear White People..... (My 💭)

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Before this became a Netflix series or a film, it was a book written by Justin Simien. A book which talked about the stereotypes black people are placed into, but it is portrayed in a comical way. 

I believe that in this day and age, it's sad to see that racism is still happening all over the world and that it's about time we address the issue it now and come together to fight it.

Once the book became a success, it then became a film, which was featured at Sundance Film Festival in 2014 and  included actors such as Teyonah Parris  (from Survivors Remorse),  Tyler James Williams (from Everybody Hates Chris) and Tessa Thompson (from Creed and Selma) 

When it came to the film, I preferred the way certain characters were portrayed, compared the Netflix series. However, the series shined a light on each individual character and informs the audience about their struggles and how they became who they are. 
I advice anyone who wants to understand the struggles of being a person of color to read the book, watch the film and the series, as well understand the history of black history, before judging our opinions. 

Posted By Urbanista ( Azza Gasim)
Follow me on Twitter/Instagram (@azza_urbanista)

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